Cablecast 4.6.0 Release Notes ========================================================= * Bug 72 | Leightronix Control Modules now force all events -Events are no longer stored in bulk on Leightronix devices. All events are sent "real time" to the device. * Bug 578 | New VS4Series2 Control Module -New VS4Series2 Control Module * Bug 579 | New STRMVOD Control Module -New STRMVOD Control Module * Bug 589 | Shows can have a collection of associated files -You can upload files to shows. Useful for keeping historical information about the show. * Bug 620 | Shows with OnDemand video files display a link to the video in the WebUI -You can click "watch now" for any show with an OnDemand video file throughout the Cablecast Web interface. * Bug 628 | New Show Edit Layout -Distinct areas of the screen are logically separated. Changed the color scheme to be more visually pleasing. * Bug 630 | OnDemand Transcoding uses a compression level based on the Show Category -Each category can have a distinct transcoding level. For example, "Sports" shows can be transcoded using different settings than "City Council" shows. * Bug 631 | Shows are marked for transcoding in the Show Edit screen -Transcoding control and basic transcoding status can be found in the individual show records. * Bug 638 | Projects of Shows can be published as Podcasts -Podcasts appear on the public site. All shows in a project become part of the podcast, however individual shows can be marked as "Podcast Exempt." * Bug 760 | Export Schedule data in TV Guide's X-List format -Schedule data can be easily exported and sent to TV Guide using their X-List service. * Bug 1040 | Indicator of schedule status in Digital File Management -Files that are scheduled for playback in the future will have an "*" displayed next to them. * Bug 1135 | New Role based User Management -Users can be given access to specific areas of Cablecast. * Bug 1213 | Cablecast producer list becomes garbled when fields have commas in them -Commas are now escaped before the form is submitted. * Bug 1220 | Error 'Server Application Unavailable' when using the pubic site -The WebService no longer uses .NET remoting to ask about VOD files. Queries are made directly against the database, which should stop this error from occurring. * Bug 1294 | Serial glue sometimes doesn't write all of its data -Revamped the serial communications code to ensure that all data is written. * Bug 1296 | Updated 422 control module to use TRMS code and not 3rd party library -We now have our own 422 code, so we no longer rely on buggy implementations beyond our control. * Bug 1302 | VSX servers can be "shadowed" to provide fail-over protection -If you have multiple VSX servers, you can have one server duplicate the events from another server. * Bug 1317 | ODIP doesn't detect missing slashes in filenames -The webservice now appends a slash to directory names if needed. * Bug 1382 | Schedule Modified bit can cause database error if field is null -Added better error handling code. * Bug 1396 | Podcasts are viewable on Public site -Podcasts can be easily accessed by your viewers by using Cablecast's public web site. * Bug 1405 | New AJ-D450P Control Module -New AJ-D450P Control Module * Bug 1433 | Default Location & Channel aren't set when a user logs in -New permissions code required that we set the default location/channel explicitly. * Bug 1468 | Facil show import plugin -You can export show data from Facil and import it into Cablecast. * Bug 1574 | VelaArgus200CM doesn't support RecordStop -Vela encoders wouldn't stop recording on schedule. Adding this action allows for scheduled stops. * Bug 1626 | Vela Argus200 is starting 11 seconds too early -Fixed timings for card initialization. * Bug 1654 | Autopilot doesn't create runs for inactive Producers -If a producer is marked is inactive, autopilot won't send until you remove their shows from the schedule. * Bug 1664 | Producers have new fields: Active, Contact name, Email, and Website -In addition to more contact fields, producers can be marked as active or inactive. Inactive producers cannot have shows aired with autopilot. * Bug 1665 | Producers appear on the Main Menu -The producers screen is no longer buried in a settings menu. It's been promoted to the main menu. * Bug 1743 | ChyTV locks up when sending it new data -We got some insight from the folks at Chyron on how to make the ChyTV more stable. * Bug 1804 | Too difficult to see which shows are "On Demand" -The digital file management screen now displays another list; which contains all of the files living on the VOD server. * Bug 1811 | Smarter focus of fields in the Schedule page -You can now use the tab key in the schedule view to move between Start Time and ShowID fields. * Bug 1829 | Live Streaming shows an error for each output, even if output isn't configured -Outputs that are configured for Live Streaming are the only outputs that are displayed in the Live Streaming screen. * Bug 1832 | Panasonic AG-5700 and AG-5710 Control Module -Panasonic AG-5700 and AG-5710 Control Module