Carousel 7.4.1 Release Notes ========================================================= * Bug CSL-1842 | Frontdoor Database Script Doesn't Run When Upgrading Systems with Older Versions of SQL Server -Fixed an issue where the database scripts would not run when updating Carousel if an older version of SQL Server was installed. * Bug CSL-1605 | Add Prompt When Disabling a Zone Alert That Has Linked Bulletins -When you disable an alert that has linked alerts in other zones, Carousel now prompts you to be sure you want to disable all alerts in other zones as well. Along with this, we now removed the "Disable Alerts" button if a user does not have access to disable linked alerts in other zones. The user can still disable the alerts manually in manage bulletins. * Bug CSL-2026 | Player Connectivity Issues with Large Video Assets -Fixed an issue where the verification of large videos that are uploaded as video bulletins (not as media) could cause the service to become unresponsive to player requests for content. * Bug CSL-2028 | XT4 BrightSign Players Get into Reboot Loop When Changing Between HD and 4K Channels -Fixed an issue where XT4 BrightSign players could get into a reboot loop when switching channel resolutions. Changing to a channel with a different resolution (HD to 4K) requires a reboot, so we take care of that now.