Carousel-for-BrightSign-Players 2.1.2 Release Notes ========================================================= * Bug 9959 | Removed 4K From the Dropdown in the BrightSign Player Configuration Tool -BrightSign's 4K players are not supported in Carousel. * Bug 10107 | Support for 270 Degree Rotation -This feature adds a Display tab to the BrightSign Player Configuration Tool for Carousel, which allows selecting a portrait rotation of 90 degrees (default) or 270 degrees. * Bug 10108 | Crawl Displays as Expected in Portrait Mode -The channel now resizes vertically versus horizontally when a crawl is present in portrait mode. * Bug 10122 | Firmware Update to latest versions 6.2.63 and -Resolves a spontaneous reboot issue affecting a small number of BrightSign Series 3 XT and XD players. Also, the firmware file name structure has been changed to be consistent with Carousel 7.0.0, carousel--.bsfw. This will allow players running Carousel for BrightSign Players 2.1.0, to upgrade to Carousel 7.0.0 without needing to download any firmware. Additionally, players won't need to download firmware if only the script files are changed in future releases of Carousel. * Bug 10144 | Channel Changes Cause Player to Reboot -BrightSign players no longer reboot after a channel change.