Carousel-for-BrightSign-Players 1.2.0 Release Notes ========================================================= * Bug 8718 | Updated User Interface for the BrightSign Player Configuration Tool for Carousel -UI has been updated for Monitor Control with both RS-232 and Power Save. * Bug 8721 | BrightConfig App Renamed to BrightSign Player Configuration Tool for Carousel -The BrightConfig App has been renamed to the BrightSign Player Configuration Tool for Carousel for clarity of purpose and functionality. * Bug 8964 | RS-232 Monitor Control -RS-232 Monitor Control functionality has been added to the BrightSign Player Configuration Tool for Carousel, on the Monitor Control tab. Hexadecimal on/off commands and baud rate, as specified by the monitors manufacturer, are sent at the times specified in the Monitor Control tab. * Bug 9068 | Wireless Module Will Not Connect to Wireless Network -The Network Diagnostics Tool, that displays at player startup, no longer tests ethernet in a loop when the wireless module is enabled. * Bug 9112 | Power Save Monitor Control -Power Save Monitor Control functionality has been added to the BrightSign Player Configuration Tool for Carousel, on the Monitor Control tab. VGA/HDMI ports can be turned on and off at specified times.