Carousel 6.5.3 Release Notes ========================================================= * Bug 8671 | Dynamic Bulletins Displaying Erratically and Not Consistently Updating -Some dynamic bulletins, notably Twitter and CableDisplay bulletins, were not updating. In most cases they appeared to become 'stuck' where they did not update until the Carousel service was restarted. * Bug 8758 | Twitter Bulletins Error with "Not Authorized" -We reduced the number of calls to Twitter to reduce the likelihood of this error. Twitter limits the frequency of data requests, by number of request within a limited time frame. * Bug 9005 | Installer Does Not Configure Windows Firewall and Internet Explorer For Optimum Carousel Use -The Carousel installers now run scripts to configure the Windows Firewall and Internet Explorer for Carousel usage. These scripts are installed to TRMS/Tools/LocalConfiguration/ for future use should it be needed. * Bug 9017 | Some RSS Feeds Give a 403 Forbidden Error -Some web servers would not serve the RSS data out to us. We set the Accept Header of the request to (application/rss+xml,application/xml,*/*). * Bug 9027 | Facebook Bulletins Result in Excessive Calls to the Facebook API -Caching was added to Carousel, to reduce the number of calls to the Facebook API. * Bug 9037 | WebPicture Blocks Error on Conditional Dynamic URLs -We changed the check for a dynamic URL to account for conditionals. * Bug 9038 | WebPicture Blocks Won't Render URL's That Use SSL -We're getting with the times! Secure images for all. * Bug 9039 | Facebook Bulletins May Contain Less Posts Than Expected if There are Excluded Posts in the Feed -We now decide whether a post should be excluded before adding it to the list rather than making a list first and then removing excluded items from it. * Bug 9048 | When Facebook Page Search Fails to Find Anything, the Back to Search Option Does Not Function -Errors were resolved preventing the 'Back to Search' option from functioning. We also added text explicitly stating that no results were found in the search. * Bug 9053 | When an RSS Feed, Crawl or Bulletin, Had No Items in It, It Would be Treated as an Error Instead of No Content -When we introduced the new 'error' state for bulletins, we missed some cases where things were not errors, but intended behavior. This was one of those spots. * Bug 9060 | Dates Do Not Display in RSS Feeds Unless the Day of the Week is Contained in the Feed -RSS bulletins and crawls are now more flexible with valid RFC822 dates for publish dates. * Bug 9064 | Previews For Dynamic Bulletins Display, Page Has Not Been Rendered Yet, Instead of Rendering Last Image -When previewing a Dynamic bulletin with no content, we will show the most recently rendered JPG if it's available, with a notice above indicating its not current. * Bug 9065 | Clone Tool Will Not Import Channel Without Deleting a Channel -The Clone Tool no longer enforces channel licensing. * Bug 9142 | Unhandled Exception in Service When RabbitMQ is Not Responding -Dynamic bulletins would stop updating content if RabbitMQ went down, until the Carousel service was restarted. Now we retry until the Rabbit comes back. * Bug 9143 | CAP Request Results in Server Error Invalid Column Name 'PageStatus' -We added a bulletin status filtering feature in 6.5.0 and accidentally broke the entire thing. Sad panda. * Bug 9163 | Add tblGroup.GroupName to DeanEvans EMS -Added the GroupName to the available fields in an EDS bulletin when connecting to Dean Evans's EMS systems. * Bug 9197 | CableDisplay Schedule Bulletins Sometimes Include Currently On-Air Shows -CableDisplay bulletins no longer include currently on-air shows that cross twelve AM/PM. * Bug 9199 | CableDisplay Schedule Page Doesn't Cross Midnight Boundary -We have been page breaking on the midnight boundary in 6.5.0 for the unified schedule type, which doesn't make sense if the page limit is 1. We now wrap to the next day if the bulletin is limited to one page, and continue to break on the boundary if there is more than one page available. We also restored the functionality of getting an extra day of schedule when limited by number of days, allowing a switch to the next day, if the current day has no shows left. * Bug 9210 | Carousel Service Outputs Constant NullReference From DataCache and Fills Log -Checkpoints were added to prevent inconsequential data from filling the log.